Spirit is the only object allowed to be cast outside of summoning range. In hard mode, a Shaman cannot use red nails which anchor an object solidly, nor can they use the Spirit tool, which can push mice and objects with a flash of light. Upon reaching 1,000 total saves as a Shaman, a player can choose to become a 'hard mode' Shaman. Blue nails connect two objects but are loose and can rotate. Yellow nails connect to most other objects, particularly red-nailed ones, and keep an object's placement, but can move. Red nails keep an object firmly grounded and will not move, but it can rotate on the anchor. A Shaman can 'anchor' or connect planks and boxes to other world objects or summoned objects with various-colored nails. The Shaman can do so by summoning objects such as planks, boxes, anvils, spirit, and balloons to create buildings or contraptions such as bridges to cross gaps or various other obstacles. Doing so will award the Shaman with "saves" for each mouse who completes the map, which are recorded onto the player's profile. The general objective of the Shaman is to help the other mice obtain the cheese and bring it back to the hole. When a player reaches the highest score on the scoreboard, they will become a Shaman in the next map involving one. Dying adds one point to a player's score on the scoreboard, no matter what time in the game it is or the cause of death. The timer will change to 20 seconds if the Shaman dies or there if are only two mice left on the map.

Maps can instantly switch before the time limit if all players complete the map or die. Maps have a general time limit of two minutes, at which time a new map is loaded. Players are also given extra recognition in their stats for finishing first when there are eleven or more players in the room. Collecting cheese is recorded into a player's permanent stats when there are about 2 or more players in the room. Bonus points are awarded for players who place first, second or third. Players are awarded points on a scoreboard that is updated in real-time.

The number of cheese and mouse holes varies between maps. After which, the player must take the collected cheese back to the map's mouse hole to finish. Players' mice must touch the cheese to collect it. Players control a mouse with the arrow keys or the WASD keys to run, duck, jump and perform various techniques, such as wall jumping, long jumping, turn arounds, and corner jumping. The main objective of the game is to collect a piece of cheese placed in at least one location on a map.

Hearts indicate a mouse who has brought the cheese to the hole. Bubbles indicate a mouse who falls off the map.
Mice racing around a user-created map to figure out how to get to the cheese. As of 2012, the game has 10 million accounts created, 60 million as of 2015, 70 million as of 2017, and 100 million as of 2019. Transformice requires either a web browser running Adobe Flash Player 9.0+, Adobe AIR to run the official standalone or Steam to play the game. Transformice was released as a browser game on May 1, 2010, and on Steam as a free-to-play game on January 30, 2015. Melibellule produces the game's artwork and graphics, while Tigrounette programs the game's functions and mechanics.

Link copiat in clipboard! Lipiți-l pentru utilizare.Transformice (sometimes abbreviated to TFM or T4M) is an online independent multiplayer free-to-play platform video game, created by French game designers, known by their aliases Melibellule and Tigrounette. Tulkoja: Marciskris (or leave blank to not show) Saite kopēta uz starpliktuvi! Iekopē, lai lietotu. Share_link_copied: Länk kopierad! den finns nu i din clipboard Most of these need to fit in a limited space like a button I can shrink the text, but the shorter the better. Languages already translated: English, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, Latvian, Roumanian, Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, German, French, Croatian, Spanish (thanks everyone!) I recently added translation support to the dressroom, but need help actually translating it! You can also find links to other Atelier 801 dressrooms / apps on the top right of the page. This tool allows you to dress up your character how you want, and then take a photo without having to buy the item / customization yourself. This is an unofficial tool and has no effect on the game.